So I was in San Diego a few weeks ago, and one of the artists I spent a good deal of time talking to was Eric Shanower, One of the truly under appreciated talents in the industry. The third volume of Shanower's fantastic Age of Bronze will be out shortly, and should be required reading for everyone that likes comics. His goal with this series- to retell the Trojan War in it's entirety, from the first rumblings to the aftermath- is mind boggling in scope. It's the kind of thing I wish more artists would do: find that one story they are burning to tell, no matter how massive, and do it.
Dylan Horrock's wonderful graphic novel Hicksville is essentially based on this idea. Horrocks imagines a town in New Zealand where great comic book artists go to create the stories they really want to tell, unfettered from the restrictions of the marketplace. In the library of Horrock's imagination lies Jack Kirby's completed New Gods, Gil Kane's continuation of His Name is...Savage, and perhaps Steve Ditko's full exploration of his Randian philosophy. It's all there, whatever you can think of, which of course makes Hicksville the imaginary place I most want to visit.
Fortunately, we are blessed to be in an era where artists have much more freedom to create their Magnum Opuses (Opusi?). I often think of the interview Kane gave towards the end of his life to The Comics Journal, in which he laments that the majority of his career was spent producing work he felt far below his intellectual and artistic capacity. Orson Welles also expressed the same lament, and I wonder how Kane (or Welles, for that matter) would fare as a young man in today's more diverse marketplace. But Kane's loss is Shanower's gain, for, while he would certainly be employed in the industry40 years ago (a claim not everyone can make), he wouldn't be doing Age Of Bronze.
But there was one question that I couldn't bring myself to ask Shanower; why the heck is he being published by Image Comics?
Now, I don't know anything about Shanower's deal with Image; nor do I know how many other publishers he talked to about Age of Bronze. What I do know is that Age of Bronze is so different, so out of whack with the rest of the material that Image publishes it's hard to imagine that either party really benefits from the association. It's like SpikeTV airing Masterpiece Theater.
Would Age of Bronze do better if it were published by, say, Fatagraphics? Dunno. But the book design would probably look a little better, since Image seems incapable of publishing anything outside of the traditional comics and trade paperback formats. And Age of Bronze should be published in a format that makes one think of Dan Clowes rather than Todd McFarlane. Moreover, brand identity is important; I know from past experience that Fantagraphics tends to publish cartoonists that I enjoy, and thus I'm more likely to buy one of their books. With Image, the inverse is true, and it becomes guilt by association.
To me, that big "I" on the cover on of an Image publication represents an industry dinosaur, a throwback to a time when "style" had won such a thundering victory over "substance" it could only be called a no-contest. Frankly, I can't for the life of me understand why Image even exists anymore, except that the remaining Founders are too damn stubborn to admit that their grand experiment has largely been a failure.
Let's take a look at the sales figures; for 2006, Image Comics had 3.72% of the direct market in terms of dollars, and 3.23% in terms of units. There were exactly 0 Image Comics in the top 100 for the year (a bit unfair, since the same could be said about any publisher not named Marvel or DC) and 6 graphic novels in the top 100 (five were Walking Dead collections; the sixth was an Invincible collection). For a bit more perspective, we look at the top 300 comics for June 2007, and see that Image has 5 comics in the top 100 for the month, the first being Spawn #168 at #85, with 24,152 units sold to retailers. Moreover, only 10 Image books for the month managed to break 10,000 copies ordered.
Now, this may not seem all that bad, relatively speaking. Dark Horse, for example, only has four books in the top 100. But one of them is the mega- selling Buffy the Vampire Slayer, which placed in the top ten with 102,000 units moved. Or four Spawn #168s.
What we can glean from this is that Image only has one book that could be called a hit, The Walking Dead, and a few others that do reasonably well. The old warhorses like Spawn and Witchblade still have their fans, but nothing like what they were selling in their heyday.
More troubling, though, is Image's lack of presence in the graphic novel field. Sure, Walking Dead is strong (very strong, in fact), but where's everything else? Again turning to the June charts for more perspective, we see that Image charts eight books-- need I tell you which title is responsible for four of them? Also, those old warhorses are nowhere to be found. Looking over ICv2's sales charts for the year so far, we find that Spawn manages to chart twice--The Spawn Collection V3, at #46 in April, and Spawn: Armageddon V2 at #65 in May. Witchblade? Does not appear anywhere. Savage Dragon? Does not appear anywhere.
Keep in mind that these are numbers for the direct market only; the picture is even bleaker in bookstores. According to Brian Hibb's analysis of Bookscan's top graphic novels of 2006, Image managed to chart one book--wait for it-- the latest volume of The Walking Dead. This last bit of information should be particularly troubling to Eric Shanower, since his work is tailor made for the book store market, which his publisher clearly has no idea how to penetrate.
For anyone, these numbers would be pretty bad. But for a company that's been around for fifteen years- particularly one that, for a good stretch of time, looked to be poised to break the Marvel/DC industry stranglehold- they're appalling. On the surface, they seem to be on equal footing with Dark Horse; but Image does not have the benefit of the revenue generated by manga, licensed properties, and collectibles as Dark Horse, not to mention the huge boost Dark Horse has received in successfully bringing their properties to Hollywood. No, Image only has a slice of one pie, the direct market, and it seems to grow smaller and smaller as more time passes.
I suppose that being published by Image does have one benefit-- great positioning in the Previews catalog. Of course, if your solicitation is surrounded by the likes of Freshmen and Hunter/Killer, it seems a poor proposition on the risk/reward curve. The truth is that Image Comics became an industry afterthought a long time ago; hell, if the sales charts are any indication, Robert Kirkman is the only one keeping the company afloat.
For most of us, Image is like the friend from high school that you long ago outgrew, yet for some reason he still keeps calling. Witness the bemusement that met the announcement that founder/whipping boy Rob Liefeld was returning to the fold. Although it did at least get people talking about Image again, which is certainly not something the rest of their books have done for quite some time (outside of The Walking Dead, of course).
The sad thing is that there are people that are doing good work under the Image banner. I hope it's not going unnoticed. I hope that the next volume of Age of Bronze does really well, because it deserves to be read by a lot of people-- an audience size that its' publisher seems unable to bring in.
Friday, August 10, 2007
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Why Image? Because they manage to put out stuff like Age of Bronze, Fell, Casanova, Phonogram, The Nightly News, Cross Bronx, Sam Noir, Glister, etc., etc. etc. "Creator-owned" rounds off the reasons why. So they don't chart every week. Do they need to? Image apparently uses a different business model that doesn't rely on mass purchases and seem to be doing okay by it. I couldn't tell you the last time I bought a comic from Marvel or DC. But I find comics with the big "i" are quite common purchases lately. But I am far from a typical DM shopper.
You never know, Masterpiece Theater might have higher ratings on SpikeTV.
Why shouldn't Image exist? A non-profit publisher who doesn't take a cut of the creators' rights, ever? What's so wrong with that?
Sure, their sales may not light the world on fire, but neither do Fantagraphics' numbers. Yet both publisher put out some GREAT material.
I find that, no offense at all intended, most readers who associate the "I" with negative connotations haven't been paying much attention to Image since 1995. Yeah, they came out of the gate with some AWFUL comics, but now...?
They're publishing Shanower, Kyle Baker, Mike Allred, Doug TenNapel, Scott Morse, Colleen Doran and Warren Ellis, plus countless more. They may not all be to your taste, but if they all feel that Image gives them the best deal for their work, grants them the freedom to create the work they want to create, and if Image's model proves sustainable for the company and the talent, then I'm 100% behind it.
I think, quite the opposite of your opinion, despite many of their own individual failures (which are beyond counting, I sometimes feel), The Founders were absolutely right. They just weren't the right set of diverse talents to make Image what it could've been.
You really should do your research on Image. You speak of current Image like its 1993. lot has happened since then and its obvious you haven't been paying attention. There are a lot of great and diverse titles at Image. If Eric Shanower felt Age of Bronze could benefit from a different publisher he could have moved it at any time.
" audience size that its' [sic] publisher seems unable to bring in."
That comment misses the point of what Image's (self-defined) role is. It makes little difference to Image as a business whether Age of Bronze sells 1,000 copies or 100,000; they make the same amount of money either way. It's up to the owner of the property - the ones who stand to profit from it if it sells well - to "bring in" the readers. And with Image that's the creator, not the company.
Image's responsibility as publisher is simply to publish the book. The get the files to the printer, get the books to the distributor, and throw in a spot in the section of the Diamond catalog that nearly all retailers look at, as an opportunity for the owner of the book to promote it.
It's up to the individual creator how their book looks. All that Image requires is that you put the i logo on the cover. Age of Bronze looks like it does because that's how Shanower puts it together it.
Other people have said this but reiterating the main points:
1) Image isn't what Image was in the mid-nineties.
2) Image - basically - make the same amount of money from a book whether it sells 3000 or 3,000,000.
3) Image, in terms of creators rights, is unparalleled in the major publishers. I could take my comic tomorrow and walk.
I recommend you read one of the many articles about what Image have been doing in the last few years. In terms of the range of books they bring to market, I'd argue nobody else brings a similar wideness of range.
I think the irony of Image is that most of you are right, they do publish a diverse selection of material, and have done so for quite some time. But, as I state above, I'm not sure they are doing those books a service, by being all over the place in terms of content, style, and quality. I'm not advocating a "house style", but it benefits the company if a reader can reasonably assume that Image has a set of standards one can trust.
Unfortunately, despite the great many talented people they have and do publish (and you can add Jeff Smith and Bob Burden to the list), Image will always be about Todd, Erik, Rob, Marc, Jim, and Jim. And yes, I'm aware that many of those people have not been associated with the company for quite some time, but the perception still exists, which is the important thing.
Does their business model serve the creators well? I can't say. Clearly, guys like Shanower and Baker must have seen something they liked. However, as I think I have proven, Image has not shown an ability to deliver readers in large quantities in any marketplace.
Nor are they quite as altruistic as they may seem. Ask Neil Gaiman about whether or not Image "takes a cut of creator's rights".
Gaiman was working with McFarlane's studio. In terms of the contract, McFarlane (or his studio) was the creator as far as Image was concerned. So Gaiman's beef would not be with Image, but McFarlane.
The fact that ignorant people hold a false perception of a company is not a valid reason to question the company's existence.
And since I just called you ignorant, I will also admit to being ignorant - of how to properly use the internet and create a link below to my responding blog post. So I will post the link here:
Guy #1: "My perception is that Image Comics is X, Y, and Z."
Guys 2-20: "That is incorrect. For example, there's Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, and Ti."
Guy #1: "Yes, but my perception is X, Y, and Z. So that's the way it is."
Hey, Ken,
You're right that the perception exists, but a wrong-headed perception is no reason to close up shop, nor for a creator to take his or her book to a less understanding publisher. Image hasn't been about the Founders for a long time now, and it's a shame many fans won't take the time to recognize that.
As for the "house standards," that might be helpful on some very pragmatic marketing level, but that's not Image's model. They're more like a vanity press that almost anybody can use if you can afford their fee - but a vanity press that gets you huge, full-page spreads in the catalog through which most material in the industry is sold. That the creators stick with Image suggests to me that they a) are making enough money on the back end to make it worthwhile, and b) appreciate the editorial and financial control that they retain.
You're also right that Image doesn't seem to pull in huge sales for its creators, but you haven't shown that those same creators would be doing any better at Top Shelf or Fanta. The only way Eric Shanower is ever going to move 100,000 units a month is if he starts working on Spider-Man.
Image is still the #4 mover of comics in America. Or is Tokyopop? Either way, Image still does all right and brings a respectable profile to its titles.
And, as noted, Gaiman worked for McFarlane, not Image. As I said earlier, the Founders made many, many mistakes. Image, the publisher, is the part that I support. It's no mistake that I typically avoid the McFarlane/Top Cow end of the Image line.
Mike - just a note to add to your comment. Image does not take an upfront "fee", which is another myth that is passed around the comics world. They take an administration fee from the back end to cover their costs. If the comic doesn't sell enough to cover that then options are discussed, but what usually happens is that the comic is cancelled. So it's not a question of creators being able to afford a "fee", but whether they can deal with the delayed, back end payment method. If you can, then it's a really, really great place to do work.
In addition to the already-noted odd suggestions that Image should not exist because they are not as successful as they were a decade-and-a-half back (and few publishers that were around then are) is the whole weird concept that they should not exist because Fantagraphics would be a better publisher for Age of Bronze. Is Fantagraphics even willing to be a publisher for the book? Age of Bronze has been published through Image for many years now, and unless Eric has been working under a very-different-from-typical Image Central deal, he's been able to move it to another publisher at basically any time through that. So it looks like no one has offered him a deal that appeared more lucrative in that time.
Thanks for clarifying, Jamie. That makes more sense.
The plural of opus is opera. It is a third declension noun, so the singular form of the nominative, accusative, or vocative cases is -us, and plural is -a. Don't get to use the 4 years of high school latin very much.
Jason's link to his blog is, in fact, working and at the bottom of the page, and I have responded to him there (and I hope he doesn't miss his plane!).
Two things I'd like to say: I'm not ignorant on how Image's publishing model works. Also, people seem to assume that I dislike Image's comics, which is not the case, although in somewhat stridently asserting that Shanower's work is so different than the rest of Image's output would make it seem so. By this I mean more that no one else is doing historical fiction in the way Shanower is, although one could say that that's true for comics as a whole, and not just Image.
However, as has been pointed out, Image holds a huge advantage in the marketplace based on its' status as a "premier publisher" in the Diamond catalog. Yet this does not seem to have resulted in a huge sales advantage for their books, based on the sales charts. It begs the question: do books like Age of Bronze benefit from being on the same page (relatively) as Spawn?
The advantage of Image comics in the direct market is not just a matter of product placement; if memory serves, they are a brokered publisher, which means they have a different and presumably more profitable deal with Diamond. For creators who are involved in the profit (which would describe the Image Central publishees), this can be important. (As to whether it is part of a sales advantage, you've only compared them other premiere publishers on the sales lists; the question of whether it creates a sales advantage would be seen in how they compare to the non-premiere publishers.)
And checking the Hibbs piece that you linked to when you were trying to show that Image was not the right company because of their bookstore sales rate, given that all they had on the list was Walking Dead.... it should be noted that the publisher you promote instead, Fantagraphics, also only had one item on the list, and that features a big-beyond-the-DM name (Peanuts).
You make two good points; I wondered if anyone would notice that about Fantagrapics. They have disputed that by saying it doesn't take into account non-Bookscan indie stores, something I don't put a great deal of stock into, frankly. Most indie book stores I've been to have appalling graphic novel sections, but I'm sure there are several that do very big and brisk GN sales. In any event, Fantagraphics also sells their books directly to their readers through their catalog and the web, something Image does not. I'm sure that makes up a significant portion of their sales (though I could be wrong about that).
I believe you are right about the better deal afforded Image from Diamond; I'd be curious to know if that benefits all their books or only those under the founders' umbrellas.
Well, the Bookscan figures certainly aren't complete -- they're only a portion of the stores, so they will undercount everyone. You can't use just them to tell how many copies the book sold total; that's true for Image as well as Fantagraphics. However, it's hard to tell whether the numbers reflect the relative ranking with any accuracy.
The better deal would effect all Image books, since it's deal for how the publisher is set up with the distributor rather than a book-by-book deal.
"Yet this does not seem to have resulted in a huge sales advantage for their books, based on the sales charts. It begs the question: do books like Age of Bronze benefit from being on the same page (relatively) as Spawn?
WHy do you keep going back to this Spawn example. Image Central is different than Top Cow and different than McFarlane Productions. What other companies aside of Marvel and DC have been able to push their books to high sales? Only a few licensed products?
Image has my full support. Not everyone likes working on large corporate owned properties for a paycheck. I got a good chuckle out of the article though.
Yeah, I'm hardly biased because I've had a few things come out from Image, but honestly? You could have saved us all a very bad blog post if you'd just gone ahead and asked Eric Shanower "Why Image?!" because he would've told you.
The worst part is that there's a really great article to be written about Image comics and the things they do right and wrong, but you haven't even got the basic bits covered accurately here, letting your own biases and misconceptions inform your post... Really disappointing.
"Yeah, I'm hardly biased because I've had a few things come out from Image, but honestly? You could have saved us all a very bad blog post if you'd just gone ahead and asked Eric Shanower "Why Image?!" because he would've told you.
The worst part is that there's a really great article to be written about Image comics and the things they do right and wrong, but you haven't even got the basic bits covered accurately here, letting your own biases and misconceptions inform your post... Really disappointing."
Christopher-- I'm assuming that you meant to say that you ARE biased, rather than "hardly biased", for clearly being published by Image would make one biased. Which seems to be a common theme among posters here....
I'm glad that people being published by Image are happy with them. But I think there is a fundamental difference between the way all of you perceive Image and the way the majority of readers do. Image is primarily a mainstream, genre-driven publisher. That they ALSO publish a wide range of non-genre material (and have done so for at least a decade) is to their credit, but has done little to change that public perception. And I do not say this because of my own biases, but based on what I hear others say at conventions, online, and at the comics store I formerly managed. There is a LARGE segment of comics readers that don't take Image very seriously, and probably never will.
And yes, I know, that's anecdotal evidence, and hardly scientific. Which is why my essay never says "I don't know ANYONE that reads Image comics!"
And I apologize that my essay was not the "great article...about the things they do right and wrong". As I was not trying to write that article, however, I doubt I will loose any sleep over it.
One thing missing from this dicussion is that very few comics, regardless of publisher, ever break a few thousand unit sales in the direct market. Even the big media properties like Spider-Man rarely approach 100,000 (which is still tiny by mainstream newsstand standards).
So while it's perfectly OK to question the validity of Image as a publisher based on their content, if you're going solely by Direct Market sales as you are here, they're in the exact same boat just about every other publisher is.
More importantly, they're selling way more than most self-publishers are, which is what a lot of Image's creators might be doing otherwise.
Also, one should never discount the importance of bookstore sales. Granted, monthly floppies will never make a serious dent out in the mainstream world (why would they?) but collected books do a HUGE business outside the Android's Dungeon. (As long as the book is about something that mainstream people think about, of course, rather than men wearing costumes and travelling through time.)
We don't have sales numbers on "Age of Bronze" outside the Direct Market but I'm sure they're respectable. I doubt comic stores are really contributing to the bottom lines of people like Art Spiegelman and Allison Bechdel.
If you look at my piece again, you'll see that I do talk about Image's presence outside of the direct market based on last year's Bookscan numbers. Now, many people in the industry have questioned those numbers, since they don't take into account sales from independent stores that don't use Bookscan's system, but I think they do at least give us a good indicator of what people are buying outside of the direct market.
I agree with you about Age of Bronze's appeal outside of the direct market. It will be very interesting to see how well the new volume does; the bookstore market has changed dramatically since the last volume came out three years ago. One of the basic ideas of my essay is that Image has made little penetration in this area, so this book will be a good test of that thesis.
Here's your basic argument: Since Image is only the third biggest seller of comics in the market, Eric should move Age of Bronze to a smaller publisher who will also take some of his rights.
You're astoundingly out of touch with the market, which isn't a sin, but please, investigate the publisher in question before you start making uninformed judgments.
Age of Bronze fits in quite nicely with what Image is doing these days.
I also think it's interesting that you cite uninformed fan reaction as some kind of validation for your point.
I don't know what kind of fans you associate with, but the fact that they have misconceptions about what Image is doing doesn't mean creators should ignore reality in favor of wrongheaded perceptions.
You also say, "Image is primarily a mainstream, genre-driven publisher."
Yeah. No it isn't. At least not in comic book terms. Superhero titles are way outnumbered at Image, and superhero titles are the "mainstream, genre-driven" products in the market.
You note that many people in this thread are published by Image, and thus biased. Yet you might notice that most of them publish books that don't fall into your lazy categorizations. That should tell you something, shouldn't it? These guys are a fair representation of Image Comics, whether you choose to accept it or not.
And I'm guessing not, judging by your reactions here.
Your "large readership" argument is absurd, since only Marvel and DC dominate the market, with the occasional exception of some licensed genre based thing from a smaller publisher. And, as you mention, the Walking Dead, which generates enormous sales.
At some point you'll need to find an ally to help you restate your postion, because you're treading water on your own.
This thread started as an unasked-for defense of Eric Shanower's work. So where's Mr. Shanower? Spunky isn't gonna take the word of any other happy Image-published creators. In theory, there are several guys posting comments here who could reasonably stand in for Eric as examples of writer/artists who haven't taken their work elsewhere because Image serves them best, but...
Maybe since Eric didn't ask to be used as an example of creators who can't make grown-up decisions about their publishers, he's just waiting for this post to go away.
Or maybe he's hard at work on the next issue of his presumably successful Image series.
Yeah, the argument here seems to boil down to "Image should not exist because anecdotes suggest some fans have the wrong impression of the company"... which seems a pretty silly reason for something not to exist.
But the folks who are published by Image are biased because they find it a worthwhile experience. And the folks who read Image books are biased in favor of Image because they read the books. And heaven forbid the worthwhileness of a publisher is judged by the creators they publish and the audience they serve!
Interesting to know.
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