Monday, August 13, 2007

Some Might Say the Rats are Fleeing the Sinking Ship...

... but not me. However, this news can't be very good for the president or the Republican Party. If Bush was going to have any chance to salvage a legacy in his last year and a half, he was gonna need all hands on deck. Without Karl Rove, though, it looks like Bush is going to be bowing meekly to history without even putting up a fight. It's become like a once-compelling show finishing out it's run with nobody watching (The West Wing, anyone?). The country seems to have already moved on to choosing the next guy (even though it's six months before anything of importance can happen) and forgotten all about Dubya. Actually, that's probably the best thing that could happen to the guy.

Oh, okay, I'll say it: the rats are fleeing the sinking ship.

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